1860 Club
The 1860 Club is the unifying organization for the Regimental family and friends of The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada.
It brings together members of the family from coast to coast, and around the world, including the serving Regiment, Senate, Trust Fund, Museum, Association, Cadet Corps, and civilian supporters of the Regiment. Membership is complimentary and open to serving and former members, as well as friends of the Regiment.
As a Supporters’ Club, the 1860 Club is run by volunteers from across the Regimental Family.
QOR Association

The Association is comprised of serving and past members of the Regiment as well as their family members and others deemed to be friends of the Regiment.
The Association began during the First World War and unlike many patriotic organizations formed at that time, has continued its work, and remains today an important factor in the life of the Regiment.
A key component of the Regimental Family is the Trust Fund, whose responsibility it is to raise funds to support Regimental activities not funded by the Department of National Defence (DND).
We are pleased you can now donate to the Trust Fund through our online giving partner CanadaHelps.org.
The museum, filled with memorabilia relating to the Regiment, dating as far back as the date of its formation in 1860 and its involvement in every military action undertaken by Canada since then, attracts thousands of visitors from around the world each year.
Located on the top floor of Toronto's Historic CASA LOMA.
Canadian Airborne
Forces Association
CAFA has represented the serving and retired Canadian Forces Airborne community through the exercise of the following objectives:
to promote and improve the esprit-de-corps and general efficiency of its members;
to support the continuation of balanced general-purpose Airborne Forces as part of Canada’s Armed Forces;
to react to hardship and need through the provision of gifts, grants, endowments and donations; and
to provide meaningful support to applicable Veterans’ Associations.