The Regiment
The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada (QOR) is a Primary Army Reserve infantry regiment based in Toronto. Founded on April 26th, 1860, it is the oldest continuously serving infantry regiment in Canada.
Men and Women of "Rifle" regiments are light infantry and are known as Riflemen. They are characterized by their ability to apply "Rifleman's initiative", expert marksmanship, and small unit tactics. On the battlefield, Riflemen are undeterred by heavy equipment and move quickly on foot.
The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada has taken part in every Canadian military campaign and served with great distinction in World War I and World War II in which 7 Riflemen were awarded the Victoria Cross. Over the past 30 years, The QOR of C has provided personnel to support disaster relief in Ontario, Quebec, and Manitoba. Riflemen have also served on Expeditionary Operations in Afghanistan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Namibia, Poland, Somalia, Sudan, and Ukraine.
The QOR is the Primary Reserve unit in Canada and is assigned the task of maintaining a Parachute Company. To become a member of the Company, Riflemen must attend specialized parachute training and maintain a high fitness standard. The Parachute Company specializes in Airborne operations in which Riflemen conduct static-line parachuting with all the equipment required to fight on the battlefield. The unit also supports the Royal Canadian Air Force in Trenton when it trains C-130J Hercules Air Crews in parachute operations and the Canadian Army Advanced Warfare Centre (CAAWC) by providing Parachute Packers or Instructors.

QOR Command Team
Her Majesty The Queen

Her Majesty The Queen visiting her Regiment in Normandy France (2017)

Since 1983
AIRborne Infantry

The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada is the only Primary Reserve Unit in Canada tasked to have a Parachute Company.
We also have a support task to the Canadian Army Advanced Warfare Centre. The Unit regularly conducts parachute operations on its training exercises and frequently supports the Royal Canadian Air Force by providing paratroopers to support their airdrop currency training.
The QOR of C Parachute Company has a strong working relationship with our Regular Force affiliated unit Mike (Parachute) Company, 3rd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment.

CC-130J Hercules Aircraft dropping members of Para Coy - Airborne Infantry

Member of QOR Para Coy - Airborne Infantry - Paratroopers wear wings with a white maple leaf

Member of QOR Para Coy - Airborne Infantry - with gear preparing to land

CC-130J Hercules Aircraft dropping members of Para Coy - Airborne Infantry

Formed 26 April 1860, The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada is Canada’s oldest continuously serving infantry regiment. Since then, its members have served in every significant conflict in which Canadians have participated.
For more information visit qormusuem.org or stop by our Museum located in Toronto's Historic CASA LOMA.
The museum is filled with memorabilia relating to the Regiment, dating as far back as its formation in 1860, and includes relics from every military action undertaken by Canada since then. The museum attracts thousands of visitors from around the world each year.